* Recommended for ages 8-16
"CREATING COMICS" With Lena H. Jackson
I'm an artist who believes I can draw ANYTHING, but I specialize in cartooning! Cartooning is my life and it's that passion and youthful spirit that I bring to my "Creating Comics" workshops!Ever wanted to learn to draw your favorite cartoon characters from TV or the movies you remember as a kid....OR do you know a child who wants to create their very own cast of characters? Well, this is the workshop for them! I teach adults and children alike in weekly classes where we explore everything from American westernized styles ( such as Disney movies and the comics seen in the Sunday newspapers) to the Japanese tradition of cartooning; Anime` and Manga ( as seen on popular shows like "Pokemon" and "Dragon Ball Z" ) to creating our own personal comic books! All that's needed is a pencil and creativity, I provide the supplies and the workbook to assist students with their creations and ..WE ARE ON OUR WAY!!!! *Recommended for ages 7-17
The Team S.T.A.R. Chronicles Created By Lena H. Jackson
The Team Star Chronicles is both a graphic novella and workbook series that deals with the ever-increasing level of issues that young people are facing today. From drug and alcohol consumption to gang violence and promiscuity, the odds seem tilted against them. By using critical thinking exercises, creative writing and illustration techniques, I created this workbook as an awareness tool to enlighten young people. By creating a safe haven to openly discuss, act out and eventually present their own "STAR Chronicles" manual, young people in this workshop will have a :creative outlet to express how they feel about living a reckless lifestyle, learn steps to avoid the serious consequences of what living that way can ultimately do to someone and finally, learn to choose healthy alternatives for coping with problems, rather than giving into peer pressure and the seductive lure of a reckless life.
* Recommended for middle school to high school
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